Julia, California

What defines you?
What defines me is my curiosity. I like to discover new things.

Is your body your perfect dress?
I would like to say my body is my perfect dress.
Do you remember when you first felt your sexuality?
I remember the time I first felt my sexuality. It was when I discovered Helmut Newton’s work. I loved the way he portrayed women.
How do you identify your gender?
Feminine masculinity. That is my gender.
Would you rather exist nude or dressed up?
In the concept of clothing, what I like the most is that it is a background to your personality. It’s either helping you to shine, or you get lost in it. I like dressing up and changing my background. It’s fun.
Do you wear skirts and dresses?
I love to wear men’s suits. I find it extremely hot and powerful.
Should there be male and female fashion, or all unisex?
I wish that all fashion was unisex. No barriers, no borders. In the end of the day, each one of us masculine and feminine sides.

Do you express yourself through clothes, or you don’t give a fuck and just wear something on?
When I’m in the mood, I express myself through clothing, but when I’m not I just wear something random. There is freedom in being spontaneous.